那天,地属温带海洋气候的爱尔兰下了场雪,在那个霜冻比落雪概率高出数十倍的国度。 他们站在漫天飞雪的雪山前,姜应止握着姜应礼的手微微颤抖。 眼眶绯红,无比虔诚的,诵读爱尔兰婚礼誓词: “ay you never steal, lie, or cheat but if you t steal, then steal away y rrows and if you t lie, lie with all the nights of y life and if you t cheat, then please cheat death, becae i uldn't live a day without you” 【愿你?永远不?要偷窃、撒谎或背叛。 ...
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